Sometimes the furniture that comes on your AK47 is just not what you want. Carolina Shooters Supply has the parts you need to get the tactical look you want. Install an AK folding stock adapter or an AK-to-M4 stock adapter. Our AK stock adapters fit most AKs and the variants, including some of the shotgun platforms. We even carry a left-hand folding stock adapter.
When ordering, pay close attention to the product descriptions. Order the parts that fit your gun. Each product description tells you which models the parts will fit. Sometimes you will need an AK buffer tube adapter and may need to change the AK receiver block. Carolina Shooters Supply carries these parts. Some of these parts require welding, and some parts require riveting. If you cannot do this work, check with your local gunsmith before you order the parts.
At Carolina Shooters Supply, we carry a wide variety of AK-47 receiver adapters for any stock conversion conceivable. The first step in replacing that factory stock is a new receiver block. Whether you're looking to install a fixed stock, folding stock, or M4 AR15 collapsible stock, we have all the parts you need. Our full selection of AK-47 receiver adapters and receiver blocks gives you the freedom to change out your factory stock.
At CSS our entire staff is committed to customer satisfaction, so please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our goal is for our customers to be happy with our product, and ultimately their firearm!